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St. Mary’s Parish is fortunate to have as its Bishop and Parish Priest, a son of the soil. This is an extra-ordinary situation. The Rev. Fr. Leroy Errol Brooks commenced his informal theological training at the St Mary’s Church by attending church and Sunday school regularly and by serving as an acolyte for many years. His formal training for the priesthood took place at Codrington College, 1972 – 1975. On June 29th, 1975 he was ordained Deacon. A few months later, on December 02nd, 1975 he was ordained Priest. He served his Curacy at the Cathedral of St. John, The divine, in Antigua. His experiences there, based on the extensive workload at the time and the multiplicity of the tasks, undoubtedly provided the impetus that was required not only for a priest, but also for the responsibilities of a Bishop.


In 1978 Fr. Brooks was transferred to St. Simon and St. Jude with St. Philip and James on the island of St. Maarten/St. Martin. He remained there until December 1990. During his tenure he was instrumental in the construction of two church buildings and had oversight of parishes in the diocese such as Christ Church with Holy Trinity on the island of Saba, St. Magdelene on the island of St. Eustatius, St. Bartholomew on St. Barths and St. Mary with St. Augustine and St. Andrew on Anguilla. It was during this period that he pursued post graduate studies in the United States of America. In 1986 he was appointed a Canon of the Cathedral of St. John, The divine. Seven years later, in 1993, he was appointed Archdeacon (Acting) of the Archdeaconry of St. Kitts.


Of the many Anguillians ordained to the priesthood, he was the only one to assume the responsibilities of Parish Priest of his homeland. The appointment became effective 01 January 1991. After his consecration as Bishop on the 25th March, 1998, he continued to serve as Parish Priest. This decision was indubitably influenced by his love for country and parish. He was, and still is, cognizant of the importance of maintaining that essential contact with parishioners. The best way of doing this was retaining the position of Parish Priest. 


Bishop Brooks has served this parish, the Diocese of the North Eastern Caribbean and Aruba and the Church in the Province of the West Indies with distinction. He served as Senior Bishop in the Church in the Province of the West Indies. As such his role was to have oversight of the Province during the periods when the office of Archbishop is vacant. He would have done this during the period 2008-2009 and February 2018 – May 2019. At the Provincial level he served as a member of the Provincial Standing Committee, The commission on Liturgy and Music, Secretary to the House of Bishops and is the present chairperson of the Provincial Youth Commission. His Diocesan involvement include member of the Diocesan Council, Diocesan Commission on Ministry, Chairman of the Northern Regional Council and Warden of the Fellowship of Vocations. In his parish he must be credited for the formation of the Anglican Church Women Association (A.C.W.A.), an organization that now has branches on Antigua, St. Kitts and St. Vincent.


In addition to his responsibilities as Parish Priest, Bishop Brooks is active in the community. He served on the Public Service Commission, The Anguilla day Awards Committee and is a Justice of the Peace. Bishop Brooks is married to Rosena Brooks; they have been blessed with one son, Crispin.

The Rt. Rev. Leroy Errol Brooks

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