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The Rev. Canon Reid Simon

Canon Reid “Shalom” Simon

Canon Reid Simon was trained for the ordained ministry at Codrington College in Barbados. He received a Diploma in Pastoral Studies from Codrington College; his undergraduate degree at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados; and later read for a Master of Letters at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland.


He was ordained to the Holy Order of Deacons on September 29th, 1999, the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels; and to the Sacred Order of Priests on June 29th 2000, the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul.

Canon Simon began his service in the ordained ministry at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine (1999 -2003). In 2004 he was transferred to Sts. Anne and Thomas, St. Kitts (2004 – 2007) and in 2007 to St. Paul with St. Barnabas, Antigua (2007 – 2016) and then to St. George’s with Sts. Mark and Francis, Antigua (2016 – 2021). He was appointed Parish Priest of St. Mary’s Parish, Anguilla, in September 2021.


Canon Simon serves as Christian Education Director of the Diocese of the North Eastern Caribbean and Aruba and also as The Editor of the Diocesan Newspaper, The Angelus. He has served on several Commissions in the Church in the Province of the West Indies and also the Standing Committee for a number of years. He has led missions in various parishes in the Province and one provincial mission in the Diocese of the Bahamas and the Turks and Cayman Islands.  Additionally, he has shared with ecumenical partners in their mission. Canon Simon is a member of the Anglican Consultative Council, and serves on the Steering Committee of the Anglican Peace and Justice Network.

Canon Simon who has taught and lectured in history and sociology at the secondary and undergraduate levels is also a Certified Mediator with the OECS Supreme Court and mediated several cases in St. Kitts.


Because he is deeply committed to exploring the connections where faith and society meet and writes (The Shalom Narrative) from time to time on the issue of public theology, Canon Simon founded The Shalom Institute, an organization which provides counselling, conflict resolution and mediation, capacity building and promotes human rights. He is the Director of that institute and served as a resource person to groups and organisations in leading workshops and seminars.


Canon Simon is a member of Rotary International through his membership in the Rotary Club of Antigua, where he has served in several capacities and on various committees. He is an avid sports aficionado, especially soccer, cricket and basketball, and has a great love for the sea to include sailing and fishing.


He is married to Turkessa Simon, nee Weste, and they have a son, Matthew.

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