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The Brotherhood


The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is an international ministry of men within the Anglican and Episcopal Communion. The Brotherhood was incorporated by an Act of the U. S. Congress signed May 30, 1908 by President Theodore Roosevelt. That Act states: "The sole object of said corporation shall be the spread of Christ's Kingdom among men.”

But its history predates this by 25 years! The Brotherhood has been bringing men and young men to Jesus Christ for 133 years since its founding on Nov. 30, 1883 at St. James’ Episcopal Church in Chicago. Homeless men were sleeping on the city’s downtown streets – and it was these men the fledgling Brotherhood wanted to save.


Today, the Brotherhood of St. Andrew is a worldwide ministry with chapters in Africa, Japan, the Philippines, Great Britain, Canada, USA, and of course the Caribbean. Its members perform many ministries, from building and operating a medical mission ship to sponsoring homes for women and children-in-need. Brothers are quick to respond with both manpower and money during national emergencies, such as hurricanes, explosions, tornados, and tsunamis. More regularly, Brothers offer continuous service to the church and community and assist with the service of other organizations.


Locally, the brotherhood is 26 years old. Since our inception in 1990 we have been involved in a number of projects for and on behalf of the church as well as in the wider community. Our meetings are held once a month and we also worship as a body once a month.


The Brotherhood of St. Andrew follow three disciplines: prayer, study and service. They are the cornerstone of our existence.

Mission &



To bring men and youth to Christ.

The Brotherhood endeavours to accomplish this mission through the threefold disciplines of Prayer, Study and Service.



To inspire, empower and equip men and boys to fulfil the Great Commission. This commission seeks to develop and expand Ministry to Men throughout the Church, and to mentor and raise up the next generation of young men throughout the Church.The aim is to bring men to Christ, which is our Mission.

Disciplines of Prayer, Study & Service


To bring men and youth to Christ.

The Brotherhood endeavours to accomplish this mission through the threefold disciplines of Prayer, Study and Service.



To inspire, empower and equip men and boys to fulfil the Great Commission. This commission seeks to develop and expand Ministry to Men throughout the Church, and to mentor and raise up the next generation of young men throughout the Church.The aim is to bring men to Christ, which is our Mission.


We are biblically based, Christ-centered, and simple in our approach.  We execute the great commission by bringing men to Jesus Christ and helping them define spiritual legacy.  We build Christian fellowship through prayer, study, and service.


We are inviting all the men of the church who are interested in learning more about the brotherhood of St. Andrew or about how they can assist with the work of the Brotherhood at this church to register your contact details on the form at the back of the church after mass.

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